Expanding vocabulary is one of the central tasks when learning a foreign language. The more words a student knows, the easier it is for them to express themselves, understand conversations, read books, and develop writing skills. Additionally, mastering and correctly applying words and expressions enhance academic performance, support success in exams and tests, and provide confidence in various situations.

This article will guide you on how students can improve their English vocabulary and share the most effective methods for learning new words.


To expand vocabulary while learning English, regular reading is highly recommended.
Ensure that your child spends at least 15 minutes a day reading — whether it’s printed or digital books, magazines, newspapers, or interesting articles on thematic websites. Encourage your child to jot down unfamiliar words and teach them how to discover their meanings and use them in context.

Vocabulary Journal

Set up a dedicated notebook or journal for new words encountered in books or conversations. Allocate one page per word, noting its definition, synonyms, and antonyms. To reinforce what has been learned, review the vocabulary journal together regularly.

Dictionary and Thesaurus

An indispensable tool for learning a foreign language is the use of both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries. These resources make it easy to look up the meanings of unfamiliar words, as well as their synonyms and antonyms. Many online dictionaries also allow you to listen to proper pronunciations and see examples of how words are used in context.

Monolingual dictionaries (e.g., thesaurus.com) are particularly effective for expanding vocabulary and discovering various applications of synonyms.


Create flashcards for new words. On one side, write the word in English, and on the other, include the German translation or an English synonym. These cards can be displayed at home or carried for on-the-go practice. Be sure to listen to the word’s pronunciation and practice saying it aloud when reviewing.

Mind Maps

Mind maps are a useful tool for learning words related to specific topics. For example, under the topic of “School,” you could create categories like “People,” “Places,” “Subjects,” and “Classroom Facilities.” For “Subjects,” subcategories like “English,” “Mathematics,” and “Visual Arts” can be added. This method promotes associative links between words, making learning easier.

Online Applications

Today, there are numerous online resources and mobile apps for children and teens that simplify learning new words. Some popular options include Memrise, Word to Word, Word Up, and Word of the Day.

Games and Puzzles

Games that involve guessing, explaining, or creating stories with words help expand vocabulary in a fun and relaxed way. Online games like Dixit, Scrabble, and Wordle are particularly helpful in making learning enjoyable.

Movies, Series, and Videos

Watching movies, cartoons, and educational videos is an excellent way to learn new words and phrases. Similar to reading, students should note unfamiliar words, determine their meanings, and practice using them in context. Beginners may find it challenging to pick out individual words in the flow of speech, so watching videos with subtitles is a helpful strategy.


Listening to podcasts supports children and teens in learning new vocabulary and practicing pronunciation. Podcasts like Better at English, LearnEnglish by the British Council, and EnglishClass101 are suitable for students with Elementary to Intermediate English skills. If your child spends 30 minutes a day listening to audio, noting new words, and learning them, you’ll notice significant progress in no time.


The most important secret to expanding active vocabulary is using words and phrases in real-life communication. Create opportunities for your child to use the English words they’ve learned in everyday situations — whether in conversations, letters, or games.

Struggling with English at Home?

Does your child face difficulties learning English at home and hasn’t achieved the desired results yet? Enroll them in group classes at IISC. Lessons at our school take place in small groups organized by age and skill level. Our effective methods and engaging activities help expand vocabulary, while interaction with peers solidifies what has been learned.

We offer group tutoring for children in Braunschweig in the following subjects:

Give your child new opportunities and broaden horizons together with IISC!


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